There are some people who say that only 10% of the people you know like you. But a friend is a friend, right? Well, not exactly. There are different levels of friendship which are never obvious on the surface. It's only when you reach a crisis point in your life that you find out just who your true friends are. On the one hand, we have our best friends who are often closer to us than our family. They share all our secrets and know us inside and out. But we also have our "fair weather friends" who help us to celebrate and only arrive on our doorsteps when they need something from us. Then there are our invisible friends who aren't really there at all.

If you believe that you have at least one true friend, who cares about you and will stand by you through the good times and the bad consider this: if you were to lose your job, your car and be on the verge of losing your home, would they still be there for you?