Is writing a book easy? How do you get it published? Then what do you do, put it in the trunk of your car and go the parking lot of a really busy store and yell, "books for sell?" Well, I think it's a lot more to it than that. You first have to know that if you're going to write books that you have to do several different things and pursue different avenues in order to be a successful writer. You have to first believe that that is truly what you want. You really have to have a passion for writing and DO NOT be discouraged when things don't work out like you want immediately.  Nothing comes easy, but you have to make up your mind that by hook or by crook, you're in it for the long haul no matter how long a haul it turns out to be.

My guest tonight, Ms Parker J. Cole, is a successful writer who did just that. She knew what she wanted to do and she did it!! So tonight she's going to tell us how and what she did and is still doing to stay on top of her game.