Nearly one-fourth of America's children live in mother-only families.  Of the chidren liiving with their mothers, 35 percent never see their faher, and 24 percent see their fathers less than once a month.  More than likely, a woman teaches them at school and at home. So, where do they see and interact with positive male role models?  Or how do the boys learn what it means to be a man, from television, movies or on the street? 

Even in homes where the father is present, research shows that the average father spend less than 10 minutes a day one-on-one with his child. In our society, emotional and spiritual fatherlessness is becoming the norm. Many of today's fathers did not have positive role models to show them how to be a father, so they are not there to show their children what it means to be a father..

No matter how great a mother is, she cannot replace what a father provides to a child.