Colin who began his football career in college, went on to the NFL to be a great player until he decided to kneel during the singing of the National anthem. He said he was protesting how the veterans weren't being treated right by this country when they came back home; the way the policemen were killing young unarmed African Americans in the streets without being held accountable,and other atrocities. When asked why, he stated that "If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right." His organization, Kappa Alpha Psi has thrown their support behind him.

Although he's not playing now, he's not been idle. He has donated $100,000 every month to four charities who were very surprised that he knew about them. A foundation, Helping Oppressed Mothers Endure, or HOME received a $25,000 check in the mail. He also gave $25,000 to a veteran's group called Black Veterans for Social Justice and numerous others. He currently is in a court battle with the NFL and Nike is using him for a very controversial commercial where Colin says, "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything!"