Her powers could doom her world.

Possessing all seven Gifts of magic, Crystu is destined to be one of the leaders of her people, the Guardians of the planet of Reyth. 

She's twenty-one, powerful, and her people’s ancient enemy makes an astounding proposal – 

The Shadowbringer, a survivor of the war three millennia ago, offers godhood if she will mother a new race of magic users for him. Their children will be strong enough to free him from his long imprisonment, and, together, they will conquer the world.

His followers, gifted with portions of his power, are prepared to destroy everyone and everything Crystu holds dear to persuade her to accept his offer. 

The Guardians have been training for generations to prepare for the day when the Shadowbringer begins a new War of Magic and that day has arrived.

But where will he strike first?

Join me for this wonderful discussion with author Joan Lightning and her series, the Guardians of Reyth. Listen in at 646-668-8485. Follow us on iTunes. Download on Stitcher. Or click on the link here: http://tobtr.com/s/11489671.