According to statistics, there are 43.5 million caregivers have provided unpaid care to an adult or child in the last 12 months. The majority of caregivers (82%) care for one other adult, while 15% care for 2 adults, and 3% for 3 or more adults. 

With those kind of statistics, it's hard not understand the need to address those of us who are caregivers. It's a stressful job as well as taxing on the person providing the care. There maybe certain fears and concerns a caregiver may have as it relates to their charge, as well as other issues they probably haven't even thought about. 

With that in mind, join me as a chat with Debby Alten as she uses her experiences and thoughts to help bring some clarity to comforting and caring for caregivers. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here: