Social justice. Biblical justice. Aren't they essentially the same thing? After all, don't we all want what is right to be done to the least of these. Aren't Christians the very first to pick up the banner of justice and help the downtrodden, the abused, the marginalized? Isn't social justice the very core of biblical justice?

What if I were to tell you that by the end of this two part series, you'll be able to answer these questions and more. Joining me in this discussion is Dr. Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance. The Cornwall Alliance is a network of theologians, scientists, economists, and other scholars and leaders work together to promote, primarily through education, three things simultaneously: Biblical earth stewardship, or “godly dominion”, economic development for the world’s poor; and the proclamation and defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can listen in at dialing our new number 929-477-1965. Or click on the link here: