Most people, when they hear you are a Christian author, automatically have an idea of what your career looks like, even when they  won't read a word of your stories...but they just KNOW what your writing is about because you're a Christian author or an author who is Christian. With the title comes a lot of things unique to this industry, whether indie or trade published.

About a month or so ago, I came across a blog post that was going around in the various Christian writing circles I am a part of. As I read the contents, I kept wanting to get one of those church fans from my childhood and throw it at the author like the mothers of the church with the big, ornate hats used to throw the fans at the preacher whenever he said something worth throwing fans at. 

Fan throwing, by the way, is a sign of agreement. Now you know.

The author of the blog post shared his insights into this thing we call Christian writing and publishing. With candid transparency he shared the ups and downs, the frustrations and high points. It was so very well thought out that I added my two cents in his comments section along with the words, "I'd like to have you on my show."

Join me on November 26th at 7 pm Eastern time for this insightful conversation as I chat with Chad Pettit about his thoughts and his works. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Or, download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Or click on the link here: