We all have baggage.  We need to take a moment and look at what’s in our bags.  Ignorance isn’t bliss here.  If you don’t know where to start, begin by asking yourself these following questions, and be transparent with yourself:
Where you are currently in your lives?
Happy, sad, frustrated, angry, stressed, fulfilled?Where are you in your relationship with Christ?
Broken and busted, no relationship, on fire and moving forward?Where did you come from?
Drugs, alcohol, broken/abusive home, great home, etc.?How did you get here?
Choices or circumstancesWhat do you think God thinks about you and what you’re doing?
Loved, are you afraid or think you’re unworthy to ask?Are you where you want to be? Yes / NoAre you where and who they believe God wants me to be? Yes / No
If  you answer is “No” to either or both of last two questions, then what’s the plan to get there?