After a week hiatus, we are BACK to go deep on Driftwood Oven. If you’ve been following Pizza Walk With Me, you’ll know that we’ve been covering Driftwood Oven since their inception as a mobile pizza unit. They would travel from brewery to brewery and Christa and I would trace their path willing to brave the wait to get a bite of their Archer.

Now Driftwood Oven has a brick and mortar spot on Butler St which has allowed them to expand their offerings, experiment with the majestic power of sourdough and churn out an assortment of quality pies, salad, desserts, baked goods and more. They are constantly improving and evolving, so I’m excited to see what they accomplish in the next few years.

Our Driftwood Oven Order:

Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Red Top Omni Slice with Pickled Peppers

Blanca Omni Slice

Kale Caesar Salad with Anchovy

Other Discussions and Pizza News:

Connecticut lawmakers propose making pizza the official state food.

Kevin Konn is experimenting with personal round Roman pies.

Spirit Pizza Update: Their round pies are about to get better.

Can anyone get through this paywall about frozen pizzas in the Wall Street Journal?