We are certainly living in interesting times, aren’t we? When you think you’ve finally adjusted to the “new normal” there’s another change or wrinkle that you have to deal with. Lately, this pandemic has flipped the table and truly upended the world, causing panic, stress and uncertainty to run rampant.

In an effort to help those affected by the pandemic we are donating all proceeds from the digital version of our book, Pizza Walk Pittsburgh: A Guidebook, to local Pittsburgh charities.

Pay What You Want for the Digital Book Today!

100% of the money generated from this campaign will go to charity. 50% to ROC United and 50% to Community Human Services.

In an effort to help out the industry I most rely on for the content of this book, we are donating 50% of the proceeds to the Restaurant Worker Disaster Relief Fund for Pittsburgh organized by ROC United (Restaurant Opportunities Center). 

Additionally, those without a stable housing environment are impacted by this pandemic in a way I can't even begin to imagine. So, the other half of those proceeds will go to Community Human Services, an organization dedicated to providing food, shelter and services to families and individuals in Allegheny County.

Please pay whatever you want! 

We’ve already raised over $200! Thanks to the generous contributors who have donated for this cause. And truly, feel free to pay $0. I only ask that you share and help spread the word - that’s as good as any currency.

The money you give will be split between the two organizations above and you'll get a digital version of Pizza Walk Pittsburgh: A Guidebook.

This book is a guide to help you understand the origin of some of these pizza places and what makes them so great. You'll have access to:

Beautiful photos shot by yours truly that capture the essence of each shop.

Details on what to order at each pizza shop, their specialities and what they're known for.

A brief history of the pizza shop.

An empty space for you to add your own tasting notes for each pizzeria. It's a wonderful way for you to chronicle your own experience.

Insights on some of the newest most delicious pizza shops like Pizza Taglio, Spak Brothers, Caliente, Driftwood Oven, Slice on Broadway, Pizza Badamo's, Iron Born and more!

Other Ways to Contribute - Pizza to the People!

If you aren’t interested in the digital guidebook, or want to support the community in another way, Steve Mason and Gaven Rapp have setup a Go Fund Me, Pizza to the People, that buys pizza from local pizza shops and has them delivered to industry workers / those in need. Check it out here.

Spirit Lounge is raising money to support the staff during these difficult times. Help them reach their goal by donating here! If you’ve ever enjoyed the pizza, ate too much at their buffet or had a great time at this phenomenal venue, think about contributing a few dollars.

What Pizza Places are Still Operating to Satisfy Your Pizza Cravings?

A number of pizza shops around the area are still offering delivery and takeout options. While Spak and Driftwood Oven are closed for the time being, here are a couple of places you can still get pizzas from:

Pizza Taglio

Iron Born


Pizzeria Davide - To Go Pizza Kits

Slice on Broadway



Kevin Konn is delivering pies, but he may have already reached capacity.

Mineo’s and Aiello’s


Those links will take you to their Instagram page where you should be able to find the most up-to-date information. I’m sure there are more out there, but these are the ones I could remember off the top of my head!

Stay safe out there and don’t forget to grab your Digital version of my book, Pizza Walk Pittsburgh: A Guidebook. If anything, it’ll provide a much needed distraction in these perplexing times.