This week the girls update each other on birthday stuff (Jen) and book stuff (Amber); and then they dive right into it with ladytime tawk; focusing on your sole purpose (and eliminating everything else that distracts from that); recognizing that the bitter end of past relationships can sweeten the present; how Amber is #TeamMiley and […]

This week the girls update each other on birthday stuff (Jen) and book stuff (Amber); and then they dive right into it with ladytime tawk; focusing on your sole purpose (and eliminating everything else that distracts from that); recognizing that the bitter end of past relationships can sweeten the present; how Amber is #TeamMiley and needs a break from Taylor Swift (but not until Ryan Adams’ cover album of ‘1989’ comes out!); the poor move of The View to let go of Nicole Wallace; and then Jen and Amber get into it with politics and waxing poetically about Amber’s past political activism.

Yeah. It’s a Real Tawk Episode this week!

Pertinent Links:

Trump disinvited to speak at Red State event; Megyn Kelly invited

Periods Are Not An Insult

Miley Cyrus vs. Taylor Swift

Ryan Adams cover album of Swift’s ‘1989’ album

After Paradise: Paul Scheer, Jenny Mollen

Nicole Wallace on leaving The View: She found out she was ousted via press

Jon Stewart vs. Jim Cramer 

Amber’s books on Kindle

Non-celebrity people mentioned in this podcast: 

Caroline Royce

Beth Loraine Bowman

Kris Huson

Pete Basgen

Kevin Watterson

Jason DeRusha

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