EP8: Dark Angels & Pretty Freaks

This week join the REVOLUTION pumps out one super long and awesome episode with Neil and Annaleis from Dark Angels Pretty Freaks.  We are going coast to coast with these fellow podcasters from Cali to learn more about their pod, married life, and living the dream out by the Golden Gate Bridge. No B-Side this week kids...  

LINKS: http://www.pbrpodcast.com https://www.youtube.com/user/PizzaBeerRevolution/videos https://www.facebook.com/pbrpodcast https://www.patreon.com/pizzabeerrevolution https://twitter.com/PBRpod https://mobile.twitter.com/mpullano https://twitter.com/theDerekD https://mobile.twitter.com/dennistheintern https://instagram.com/pbrpod/ https://instagram.com/mpullano/ https://instagram.com/derekdeangelis https://www.facebook.com/fastlanedaily http://www.derekd.com/ http://www.darkangelsandprettyfreaks.com/

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