On October 26, the latest video game movie and second Silent Hill film, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D will arrive in theaters. Given the impending release of the film, I had an opportunity to talk with writer and director, Michael J. Bassett about the film. Though it continues the story arc of the first film, it also roughly chronicles the events of Silent Hill 3 and protagonist Heather Mason.
Like previous director, Christophe Gans, the film is a work of passion for Bassett who loves the games and the unique horror of the series. Michael and I had an opportunity to talk about his history with the series, how he came to work on the film, another game to movie adaptation he'd love to do, preserving the integrity of Heather Mason's character, and what exactly would be chasing him through the town of Silent Hill, along with much more.
To listen, either update your PixlTalk feed through iTunes, or use the download link or player to the right. Headphones are suggested as the interview was conducted over the phone and Michael's voice can be tough to hear given the background noise.
A big thanks goes out to PR representative Kelly Byke for the interview opportunity as well as PixlBit staff members, Julian Titus, Travis Hawks, Daniel Iverson, Patrick Kijek, and Chessa DiMola who helped prepare interview topics.