Previous Episode: Episode 64: 88 MPH
Next Episode: Episode 66: Dogma

I think it’s safe to say that most of us love music. Regardless of age, culture, or region music plays an integral part in our lives. It evokes such strong personal emotions yet appeals to such a wide audience. Why is it then – with music being such an important facet of our lives – that it often goes unnoticed when attached to other media forms?  
This week we look to rectify that, discussing the importance of video game soundtracks. We discuss the brilliance of older 8-bit classics, and our thoughts on more contemporary pieces. Has there been a decline in the use of musical scores in games? Or has the industry/technology simply gotten better at naturally melding music and gameplay? What about music rhythm games, what role do they play in the industry? Are they past their heyday, or is resurgence possible given time?
We share a lot of our favorite tracks and the memories they bring back. Please feel free to share some of your favorite tracks and memories as well.
Also be sure to check out JD’s and Esteban’s blog posts as they’re both great reads.
Esteban’s Blog:
JD’s Blog: