Previous Episode: Episode 58: The Shootercast
Next Episode: Episode 60: Pop Cast

We all know what the big story of this week, nay this month has been. To be honest, that which shall not be named has been reported on over and over again, and all of us were quite frankly a little sick of it. Thus, we decided to focus our sights on Konami instead. Konami has been a beloved development studio bringing us many classics including the beloved Metal Gear Solid franchise. However, as of late they have not been faring so well. With few new titles and even less worthwhile ones, what will it take to make this development studio top notch again?  
We sprinkle in some deviations to help lighten the mood and hopefully shed light on why people love HD collections so much. Do you love to buy remakes of games you already own or do you look to these HD collections to catch up on titles that you’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below.
As always you can reach us at [email protected] with questions, comments, etc. Also feel free to add us on twitter to keep up to date with news, articles, and everything else gaming:
Mike: TehWally                        
Jesse: Id10t_Savant               
JD: aMythKnownAsJD
Esteban: Colorwind
 P.S. Don't forget to wish Esteban a happy belated birthday. He's an old man now!