What is that sweet nectar permeating into my earlobes? Is it an Angel? No – it’s Esteban Cuevas! Listen this week, as Esteban not only serenades you with his serene singing talents, but also introduces our new name … Hell Block Heroes. Being newly appointed “heroes of the hell blocks” we decided to take on a topic that is often disregarded: gaming communities.
As multiplayer becomes a more pertinent facet of games today, the importance of gaming communities has never been greater. Anyone who has played an online title can tell you, the people you play with are just as important as the game you play. So in an age where these communities can make or break titles, how do we go about fostering better communities? Should we consider the health of these communities in our evaluation of games? Are developers responsible for taking care of their online communities? These are just a few of the questions that get anwsered in this week's episode.

Important Links:
Street Fighter X Tekken Reality TV Show: http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2012/jan/23/street-fighter-x-tekken-reality-tv-show-ipw-announced/
League of Legends Season 2: http://competitive.euw.leagueoflegends.com/competitive/season-2/introduction