Last night's podcast recording was doomed before it even began. After an hour and a half of complete and utter chaos, we were left with an unsalvageable mess that had to be scrapped as the official 33rd episode of PixlTalk. Instead, Nick and Chessa take a calm, rested, and sober approach for a much more organized and discussion-oriented recording.

A recap of the PixlBit 2.0 launch starts the show, followed by talk of what's up next from the staff. Beyond that there's brief discussion of the latest Persona related announcement and discussion shifts quickly to the latest study trying to link violent behavior to video games. From there, Chessa segues into an angry rant on sexuality in gaming and the Hot Coffee scandal that plagued Rockstar a few years ago.

Finally, both L.A. Noire and Portal 2 are heavily discussed and analyzed before closing out the show. Stay tuned in the coming days for the original unedited version of episode 33 to see just how crazy the staff was and just how awful PixlTalk can turn out when everyone is either tired, drunk, or a combination of the two.