In the second part of our PixlTalk 2.0 launch series, Nate hosts with Matt R, Stanton and Jason H sitting in for a talk concerning modern gaming.

After speaking of 2.0 site projects the crew jumps right into the bitching, with complaints about 3DS and the 3D movement in general. While talking about the Ocarina of Time 3DS title, Nate complains that Miyamoto jacked his dreams. Stanton also hates on Zelda 2.

After laughing at Sony and PSN for its month-long blackout the team starts bitching yet again about MMOs, micro transaction, and the floundering title 'APB'. Somehow the conversation goes from micro transactions to people bragging about their level 100 carrots in Rune Factory (and you thought talks of level 100 Pikachus were bad). After bitching about Harvest Moon and Rune Factory the conversation wraps up with bitching about water worlds and water temples (notice the rolling trend in this episode).