The crew talks about the games we've been playing and share what we anticipate most out of CAPtivate 2010.

Jason R leads off with a discussion of two games he's played recently, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and The Beatles: RockBand, and leads into a discussion about the differences between the two franchises.

Jason H then takes over and shares a bit about his opinion of Batman: Arkham Asylum, and later, the StarCraft 2 beta.

Chessa jumps in and brings her newly discovered opinions of stealth-based games with Splinter Cell: Conviction, and Penny-Arcade earns a shout-out for all the shout-outs.

Nick brings everything together with a discussion about Final Fantasy XIII's faults and merits, and with it came another reference to Penny-Arcade. He concludes the first segment with a discussion of Just Cause 2 as well as its mystery zeppelin.

Part two of the podcast begins with a discussion of CAPtivate and ends with a little bit of Urban Dictionary, so watch out!

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Edited by Jason Ross

Music by Andy McKee