In this episode of PixlFeed Radio, I have the pleasure to interview Sima Dahl who is an international personal branding expert, speaker, corporate trainer, virtual instructor, author – with just one mission: to show business professionals how to market and sell themselves. Her early experience as an award-winning B2B marketer paved the way for Sway Factor™, ground-breaking personal strategies for social media marketing that empower and inspire professionals to stand out, stay relevant, and be in demand. Be it a keynote or a virtual classroom, she's helped thousands of people catapult their careers, drive sales, and retain top talent by unleashing the power of personal brands.

Her clients are progressive thinkers eager to out-sell, out-hire, and out-perform their competition. They’re willing to take thoughtful risks in the pursuit of their professional goals. And they know that hard work is mere table stakes on the road to success. They are executives, companies, and associations who understand that standing still means falling behind.

She enjoys working with corporate sales teams, cohorts of high-potential talent, and mid-career business leaders who possess both a passion for their work and a desire to be the best. Is she dynamic? Sure. Entertaining? Naturally. Everyone in her business claims the same but what she's perhaps most proud of is making the seemingly complex appear simple, moving people into action, and driving sustainable change.

As a former Girl Scout, she still earns badges. she's proud to be just one of three women to earn both the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association the Accredited Speaker designation from Toastmasters International. Off the clock, you’ll find her finishing her book and doing her part to flatten the curve. She hopes to be back on a road bike or pair of skis, checking out a new Chicago restaurant, or tearing it up at a rock ‘n roll show soon.

You can follow Sima Dahl Here:


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