I am still around, for those of you who have not heard, I have a bun in the oven and that's why ya'll havn't seen any podcast's latley. I am not gone for good, or even for long but with...

I am still around, for those of you who have not heard, I have a bun in the oven and that's why ya'll havn't seen any podcast's latley. I am not gone for good, or even for long but with the trip to Europe in December and then my trip to Australia in March life was kinda crazy (not to mention durring all that being in the first trimester!).

There are fiber activities going on at pixiepurls, and I have a outline nearly finished for a new podcast, so I'll be back soon. Please stay tuned! I bet you can't wait for all those sweet baby knits, I liked baby knits even before I was pregnant. Quick, sweet and easy to knit!