Download Episode 38: “Metamorphic Force” Here! Four warriors from across the globe unite to defeat the evil Death Shadow, powered by animal spirits and some of the most amazing music to ever grace a coin-op.  Metamorphic Force was Konami’s … Continue reading →


Download Episode 38: “Metamorphic Force” Here!

Four warriors from across the globe unite to defeat the evil Death Shadow, powered by animal spirits and some of the most amazing music to ever grace a coin-op.  Metamorphic Force was Konami’s arcade beat ’em up swan song, and they sure went out with a bang!  Join Mike and Ed as they walk through the game and its amazing soundtrack, featuring some intensely hard-rockin’ tunes!

Look out NEXT WEEK for a special episode of PTR, featuring another fantastic Konami arcade title!!!

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The Tracklist:

Metamorphic Force (1993) – Mutsuhiko Izumi, Mariko Egawa

1. AD 199X (Attract Mode)

2. The Ruins of Bakyarous (Stage 1)

3. Freezing Ground (Stage 3)

4. Human Soldier (Stage 4-2)

5. Hurry! (Bonus Stage 2)

6. Colosseum of Revenge (Stage 5)

7. She-Devil of the Colosseum (Stage 5 Boss)

8. Warrior of Death Shadow Castle (Stage 6-1)

9. Death Shadow (Final Boss Part 1)

(based on “Birds of Fire” by Mahavishnu Orchestra)

10. Into the Hopeful Sky (Ending)

Which track is your favorite?  Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!