Pixels takes a break from Pax South 2019 to sit down with Cerbz and Emon, as they talk about the news of the week. Hacking Teslas to earn a Model 3, Valve's Steam roadmap, and Mixer launching Embers to support content creators. And did China made an XBox killer?


- Amazon Games new MMO New World


- Rocket League Crossplay now on PS4


- 8 changes coming to Steam in 2019



- Tesla Model 3 Hacking Contest


O_O---New Media---O_O

- Streamlabs OBS now supports Facebook Livestreaming (fb.gg)


- Mixer Embers now available


Emon's Bonus Article:

- Chinese Console Killer


 --LTT review: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lv1TxUXIbo)

Streamer Shout-Out:



Fenristix is a content creator on Mixer, a newly-minted UK Mixer Partner. Grats on Partnership dude! Definitely swing by his Black Ops stream, he is incredibly entertaining and a very positive individual. He's also on all the socials, so follow him around the internet!





Cerbz - King of chat on Pixel's stream

Emonster808 - mixer.com/Emonster808

You can always tune in LIVE for the podcast recording at https://mixer.com/PixelsGetMe, Friday nights around midnight.

Tweets: https://twitter.com/PixelsGetMe

Pics: https://www.instagram.com/pixelsgetme/

Vids: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEjKlFxzYNSuPngVtFeB8g

Friends: https://www.facebook.com/pixelsgetme

Thank you for your download, review, applause, subscribe, view, like, share, retweet, etc! You are awesome and are making this dream a reality.


Intro music: Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

Background music provided by pretzel.rocks.

Mixer for an awesome streaming platform.

Anchor for an excellent podcast hosting site, probably the best one ever.  https://anchor.fm/pixelsgetme

Emon and Cerbz for hanging out as guests!

Timestamp: 12:15 AM 19 Jan 2019

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