Pixels, KSM, Cerbz, Emonster808, and ZeroInfinity07 talk gaming and tech news...and may have been jealously watched by Chinese AI news anchors the whole time. But will AI ever be as entertaining or mayhem-inducing as Pixels and his crew? Not likely. XD

- Path of Exile Betrayal coming Dec 7th
- XBox One keyboard/mouse support
- Discless XBox in 2019
- Warframe account migration to Switch

- Mark Zuckerberg Android phone switch
- Chinese AI Newsanchors

Streamer Shout out:
Kil_Plays (mixer.com/Kil_Plays)
Kil is a fantastic streamer over on Mixer, and is also one of the community managers for Breath of Variety stream team. You'll find him playing Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and a ton of other games on his channel. Swing by and give him a follow and tell him Pixels sent you. :-p

Kicked to the Cerbz:

Emonster808 (mixer.com/Emonster808)
Cerbz - King of Chat on Pixel's Stream
KSM (mixer.com/KSM)
ZeroInfinity07 (mixer.com/ZeroInfinity07)

You can always tune in LIVE for the podcast recording at https://mixer.com/PixelsGetMe.

Tweets: https://twitter.com/PixelsGetMe
Pics: https://www.instagram.com/pixelsgetme/
Vids: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgEjKlFxzYNSuPngVtFeB8g
Friends: https://www.facebook.com/pixelsgetme

Thank you for your download, review, applause, subscribe, view, like, share, retweet, etc! You are awesome and are making this dream a reality.

Intro music: Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com
Background music: Pretzel.Rocks
Mixer for an awesome streaming platform.
Anchor for an excellent podcast hosting site, probably the best one ever. https://anchor.fm/pixelsgetme
KSM, Zero, Emon and Cerbz for hanging out as guests!
Timestamp: 16 Nov 2018, 23:45 PM CST

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