Now, this is unexpected! An episode of Chic Pixel Plus is actually up early?! No, it’s not a dream – due to the fact that episode 3 contains some pre-E3 speculation, I’ve decided to go ahead and post it a few days ahead of schedule with the hope that everyone has time to listen to… Read More

The post Chic Pixel Plus Episode 3 – Countdown to E3 and Japanland appeared first on Chic Pixel.

Now, this is unexpected! An episode of Chic Pixel Plus is actually up early?! No, it’s not a dream – due to the fact that episode 3 contains some pre-E3 speculation, I’ve decided to go ahead and post it a few days ahead of schedule with the hope that everyone has time to listen to it (or at least the pre-E3 portion of the discussion) before all the new announcements start rolling in. So let’s get right to it, shall we?

Beautiful retro game boxes by The Gay Gamer

For this game-tastic week (sorry, anime fans!), I’m joined by a very special guest: Bryan, one of my fellow podcasters on The Nichiest Podcast Ever, and the curator of The Gay Gamer! We cover a whole range of topics, including our localization announcement hopes for E3 and what it’s like to be a gamer learning Japanese. I also take the opportunity to blab about all the games I’m planning on buying during my impending Japan trip, and I ask Bryan the ultimate question: if you could only buy one retro game console in Japan, what would it be? And somehow the GameBoy Advance manages to sneak its way into the conversation once again!?

Also, you may have noticed something a little different about the site… That’s right, I’ve got my own domain! I’ll also be hosting all future podcasts on my own server from now on, and will try to get an RSS feed and iTunes downloads set up as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!

Download [HERE] [RSS]

Time codes:
00:00:32 – Introductions
00:01:40 – News (Cave, Time of EVE Kickstarter, Class of Heroes 2)
00:07:15 – Pre-E3 speculation (Localizations! Next gen consoles! Who needs next gen consoles?!)
00:24:26 – Nerds learning Japanese
00:44:08 – Anne’s upcoming trip to Japan (PC Engines, Guru Logi Champ, Ys, GBA games…)
01:16:00 – Closing remarks

Opening ♫ – Trader – Ys I & II Chronicles
Closing ♫ – Results Music – Guru Logi Champ
Thanks for listening! Any and all feedback is always appreciated!

The post Chic Pixel Plus Episode 3 – Countdown to E3 and Japanland appeared first on Chic Pixel.