Julian Wilton from Sydney and Jay Armstrong from the UK are from Massive Monster, creators of The Adventure Pals. We spoke about working together despite the distance between them and merging two iconic gaming genres into one.

For years Steam Greenlight has been the number one way that indie developers could get their ideas out there, generate interest and build an audience. But after 5 years of service it is being shut down and Stream Direct , it's replacement will launch on the 13th of June. But is this going to make it harder or easier for indie developers to make a name for themselves?

Finally we take a look at your “right to repair” with DIY repairs and third party tools so easy to come by these days it can be very tempting to order what you need online and attempt a fix on your broken gaming hardware. However an End-user Licence Agreement might stop you from using your console after you've repaired it. However a recent ruling by the US supreme court now has the potential to shake up this idea. What would it take for this to happen in Australia? And would this mean you can do whatever you like to your console? 

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