Sometimes video games fail to hold their audience, and for multiplayer games a dwindling player base can push more players away to greener pastures. With news this week that Battleborn, launched at a similar time to Blizzard’s Overwatch, had dropped to just 2000 active players (ed. incorrectly stated as 500 players in the episode), and the call for a change in direction has already started. Is it just as simple as flicking the “free to play” switch?

We also have a chat to Caroline Thant from Kodots Games. Caroline is the lead art director on their latest project Wanda. Wanda approaches the usually bleak and conflict filled post-apocalyptic genre from a perspective of love friendship and inner peace. Caroline was happy to tell us how her international team created their game.

Escapism is an idea that all gamers are familiar with but sometimes games make reality the game. Many games such as GTA and the Sims try very hard to emulate things that occur in the real world, but they aren’t the most accurate simulations by any stretch. Some groups are arguing some games aren’t accurate enough skimping on some of the more grisly details

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