Next Episode: 26. Armsgate?

Tiered The Last of Us Part II spoilers! Check the show notes & chapter markers in your podcast player for timestamps. The boys also discuss big topics around audience member responsibilities, otherness, and discourse with people you disagree with on the internet. Wouldn’t be a TLOU II discussion without it! 😅. Yes, this one ran long. Yes, it’s all being released as one episode even though it’s double length. No, there will be no intermission. Join us!

Tiered The Last of Us Part II spoilers!  Check the show notes & chapter markers in your podcast player for timestamps. The boys also discuss big topics around audience member responsibilities, otherness, and discourse with people you disagree with on the internet.  Wouldn’t be a TLOU II discussion without it! 😅. Yes, this one ran long. Yes, it’s all being released as one episode even though it’s double length. No, there will be no intermission. Join us!

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Alex edited episode 24

The Project Love Release Party

The Jackbox Party Pack

Using shame as a social tool

Dixie Definition

Dr. Anthony Fauci on COVID 

TLOU II Internet Vitriol 

TLOU II SPOILERS for the first chapter of the game after 29:21

Audience Responsibilities

This video will make you angry.


Talking to People You Don't Agree With on the Internet

Political Compass Memes on reddit

TLOU II SPOILERS through Seattle Day 1 Abby after 1:16:27

Is TLOU II too long?

On Joel’s fate and not lazy writing

Schitt’s Creek

Killing Eve

The Demon Cycle by Brent Weeks

On Scaling Difficulty, Trophies, & Accessibility


Considering the Other 

Representation is Important

Breaking down Protagonist and Antagonist

Orange is the New Black

The Sequencing of the Story

The Stanley Parable

Thoughts on the After-Life

On Joel's Characterization

The Facial Animations

Using the Trailers as Part of the Story Experience

The Story is Not About You

"If I Ever Were to Lose You..."

What a Story of Vengeance Really Means

Losing Part of Yourself

On Dina & Ellie's Relationship

Do We Need a Part III?

Pushing the Genre Forward

The Times review

Seurat: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

The Last of Us HBO Series

Game Time as an Accessibility Feature

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