We are joined by Claire Sarafilovic, Regional Director at Faithful & Gould. She is also a crucial member of their ED&I (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) team.

We talk about the societal pivot we are in and the work still to be done to create diverse workforces.

Claire is a pragmatic soul, and talks about measures within F&G which we hope will inspire more organisations to integrate ED&I fully into their cultures, hiring policies and objectives.

We learn:

Honouring ED&I ways of working is integral to a humans sense of belonging to a culture. 
The key to unlocking ED&I is facing the challenging conversations

Claire's 'how to' guide to doing ED&I well! Ideas of what to introduce:

ED&I Objectives in PDP’s
Reverse Mentoring
Staff Networks – collaborate, find their voice through access to leadership
EDI&I Moments Pack - https://indd.adobe.com/view/447cf575-82d3-4b39-a306-562138c95500 - educate and give a platform for difficult convo’s

Very insightful visual:

Sylvia Duckworth – Wheel of Power: https://www.thisishowyoucan.com/post/__wheel_of_power_and_privilege

You can get hold of us at Pivot Points Coaching here:

Website: pivotpointscoaching.co.uk
Instagram: @pivotpointscoaching
LinkedIn: Pivot Points Coaching
Twitter: @PivotPoints1
Email: [email protected]

Cast & Crew

Gabi Miller: www.gabriellamillercoach.com // insta: @gabriellamiller.coach
Amelia Saberwal: www.kinestheticacoaching.com // insta: @kinesthetica_coaching
Rob Sell - Editor / Life saver - Torch & Compass
Rachel Lepley, Limitless You - Social Media management & brand design. insta: rachellepley_/
Alexandra Kolubayev (also known as Alix Kol) - Pivot Points Jingle

Twitter Mentions