Jess Rad is the founder of ‘The WomenHood’, which connects women on the issues that matter to help them navigate womanhood. Her mission is to empower women with the knowledge, mindset and toolkit to make positive changes in their lives.

This episode really opened our eyes to the unspoken aspects of womanhood: miscarriage and premature menopause. How have we gone this long? It’s like a weird Fight Club mentality - you can’t talk about the trauma - you just have to be with it and allow it to beat you up. Well, NO MORE says Jess Rad!

She has bravely opened up the conversation through her own experiences. She asks to be heard and not told how to feel. And lets us know how to speak to people who have gone through similar life events.

The episode is also informative from a medical perspective. She bust myths around HRT, what the 34 (yes, 34) side effects of menopause are (spoiler, not just hot flashes!), that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, they are painful, traumatic and, invariably, unsupported by medical staff.

This episode is a heavy subject with a lightness of touch that makes it accessible and human.


Amazing Menopause doctor on a mission, Dr Louise Newson -

Liz Earle, wellbeing warrior, brilliant podcast -

Lost Connections book by Johann Hari - about root causes of depression and anxiety

HRT replacement - gel on thighs not as a pill!

With Alva has a very useful menopause assessment:

If you have been affected by the discussion around miscarriage, Tommy's do wonderful work in supporting women

Find Jess Rad here:

You can get hold of Gabi & Amelia here:


[email protected]




Rob Sell is our Editor / Life saver

Pivot Points Jingle - composed, performed and recorded by Alexandra Kolubayev, also know as Alix Kol.

Logo design - DShaw & Co