Today’s guest is 'Poldark' Actor, Ciara Charteris. She has very recently gone public with her experience of being raped, by a good friend of hers, 5 years ago. This is known as Acquaintance Rape.

Ciara is an ex-actress, most notably on shows such as the BBC’s Poldark, After almost 10 years of acting Ciara moved into the business side of the industry, Ciara’s Rape and the recent betrayal and trauma surrounding it, changed her life irrevocably.

Ciara now works as an ambassador for the incredible community 'I am Arla', fighting for women’s justice and using her story to help others. She has just accepted a place to study a Masters in The Psychology & Neuroscience of Mental Health

As we speak several daily newspapers are reporting her story- using her 'I am Arla' article (below).

She talks, for the first time, about the night in question and the rape. She speaks eloquently,  making the complex extremely simple. She challenges the rape myths the media and governmental agencies will have us believe i.e that rape is highly nuanced and complex; especially when the victim knows the rapist (known as acquaintance rape’, which makes up 90% of all rape cases).

Ciara's Article:

Interesting Article:

If you were triggered by any of the topics in this episode here are some highly recommended charities and helplines:


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