A fascinating insight on humanity through the eyes and work of this Social Psychologist, Professor Alex Haslam, from the University of Queensland.

We discuss

The Stanford Prison Experiment (conforming to role) versus (his work as cocreator of) the BBC Prion Experiment. 
Milgram's experiments and work on conforming to authority - see Alex's TED talk about this - 'The Psychology of Tyranny: Did Milgram Get It Wrong?'
Leaders as 'Entrepreneurs of Identity'. One can only be a leader when you have engaged followership. It is not a title, it is a way of being. 
Our sense of self comes from how we identify within groups. 

Alex's books and collaborations can all be found here - alex-haslam

Thought starters from Gabi & Amelia & Rob (our wonderous editor!)

Simon Sinek puts leadership beautifully here - 'Most Toxic Person in the Workplace'

First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy 

Group - You Tube TV series

Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman - speaks to many of the topics raised in this episode

You can get hold of Gabi & Amelia here:

Instagram: @pivotpointspodcast
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/pivot-points-podcast/
Twitter: @PivotPoints1
Email: [email protected]

Cast & Crew

Gabi Miller: www.gabriellamillercoach.com // insta: @gabriellamiller.coach
Amelia Saberwal: www.kinestheticacoaching.com // insta: @kinesthetica_coaching
Rob Sell - Editor / Life saver
Rachel Lepley, Limitless You - Social Media management & brand design. insta: rachellepley_/
Alexandra Kolubayev (also known as Alix Kol) - Pivot Points Jingle

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