June 22, 2016

"The Howitzer and Buzz-saw Show" on Pittsburgh Podcast Network | Episode #006

"Teams win championships, not individuals" is something too often ignored in sports today. George "the Howitzer" Gerbo and Mike "the Buzz-saw" Asti are here to deliver this message and celebrate two championships, both showing exactly why teams win championships, not individuals.

LISTEN to the Podcast show right here below or on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play Music and TuneIn via “Pittsburgh Podcast Network”

Episode Show Notes:

We now live in a world without a Cleveland curse. This world exists thanks to the 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers. The Cavs forced an historic comeback and managed to beat the Warriors in a classic game 7 for the NBA title. How significant is this championship to Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, a place that previously hadn't witnessed a major professional championship since the Browns in 1964? Since Golden State initially had control in the series, was this a series the Warriors lost more than the Cavs won? What does delivering on his promise and breaking the curse do for LeBron's legacy? Mike tells you why LeBron James is still being unfairly and unreasonably disrespected. What was different about this year from the 2015 NBA Finals between these same two teams? Despite setting the single season wins record, will not winning the championship, much like the current single season best in the NFL, MLB, and NHL failed to do, hurt the way this Warriors team is viewed? Even as a career Cleveland hater, Mike offers his sincere congratulations to the long suffering fans of the (formerly) Cursed City.

It wasn't 52 years, but it might've felt that long to many Pittsburgh Penguins fans. Their asinine roller coaster ride of a season has been capped off with a Stanley Cup. What does the timing of the 4th Stanley Cup mean for this franchise? Where does this team rank among the greatest Penguins teams ever? Sidney Crosby won the Conn Smythe (playoff MVP), but did Phil Kessel get screwed by the Canadian media? Mike and George wax poetic on the bizarre year that was for the Pittsburgh Penguins while also venturing down the path of the hectic off-season about to unfold.

If you remember nothing else, remember one thing, TEAMS win championships, not INDIVIDUALS. And of course always remember, the Howitzer and Buzz-saw Show, conquers sports radio, one day, at a time....

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