February 11, 2016

"The Howitzer and Buzz-saw Show" on Pittsburgh Podcast Network | Episode #012

Asinine drama fuel George "the Howitzer" Gerbo and Mike "the Buzz-saw" Asti and drives the Howitzer and Buzz-saw Show.

Episode Show Notes

Just when you think the Knicks can't get more asinine, you turn on your TV to see an NBA legend in a physical altercation, leading to him being escorted from the game by an army of men. What led to Charles Oakley flipping out early in the Knicks ESPN nationally televised game the other night? Was Oakley wrong for putting his hands on someone and causing a scene or did the Knicks actually bait him into an outburst? Mike gives his conspiracy theory on this bizarre, yet entertaining incident and commands the Knicks finally get their act together.

In terms of championship games, it doesn't much more absurd than Super Bowl LI. The New England Patriots completed the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history, but was the game among the greatest in Super Bowl history. George agrees when Mike emphatically says there have been countless better overall Super Bowls. While Super Bowl LI might not be the GOAT, did Bill Belichick and Tom Brady both cement themselves as the greatest coach and quarterback ever? George tries to adjust the NFL overtime and Mike tells him why it's light years from the previous rules.

The Howitzer and Buzz-saw, conquering sports radio, one day at a time....

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