Social media promotional buys and Facebook ads may seem like an attention grabbing, high-risk for big-potential reward gamble, but it's the dependable and cost-effective email that consistently pays the bills and keeps the lights on.

Says Jacob Sappington, too few business owners really understand the importance email plays in the majority of their sales, or how to properly utilize them. Despite having healthy and productive email systems, or investing in optimizing their email systems, too many e-commerce brands will chase the better promises of Facebook ads rather than work on the good email offers.

The Truth: Facebook ads have consistently been getting more expensive, while not offering a better, more targeted service

Email however has only gotten cheaper and easier to automate. It can be near-infinitely adaptable, for whatever the needs of your brand or customers, at a fraction of the cost of paying a social media provider to generate new potential leads, and with much greater creative and market-responsive control when you do land a new contact.

Centring your marketing campaign around a cost-effective and efficient email strategy allows you to:

Stay in touch with your customers at your whim or needAllow you more flexibility in providing and promoting special offersCreate a closer sense of producer-brand-consumer relationship through an ongoing conversationRemain in control of your assets, and where every cent of your promotional budget is spentGive you more content for every dollar, allowing you to generate far more content and connections

No one is going to cut off all spending on social media promotions, every brand needs a constant stream of new customers, and you have to generate your lists somewhere if they're not already visiting your store. 

However, by supplementing your Facebook and social media spending with email marketing, using social media promotions just for the initial draw and not continued contact with customers, you can drastically cut down on costs while increasing engagement and conversions.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Triple Whale - Whale Mail