If you  haven't jumped onto the SMS bandwagon for customer outreach yet, there is good news, you're not too late. But, time is running out to get a headstart on collecting numbers and being an early adopter among your competitors.

Luckily, mindful marketer Jordan West has a crash course on how to use SMS to grow your brand's customer community.

"How does SMS differ from email?"

Your first instinct when using text messaging for consumer outreach may be to just recycle your email content.


SMS is a text-based medium, and any message you chose to send should be optimized for a customer to read on any device that receives text. Treat it like a VIP channel, and only provide the best service you can.

Don't send pictures, videos, or multi-media linksDo treat the conversation as casual and friendlyDon't send too many messages and annoy the customer, stick to a few a month maximumDo let them know up front what to expect in terms of content and frequencyDon't make international customers pay to receive or respond to SMS

Try to only text your customer when you have something to say, such as a new product announcement. If you feel this doesn't provide you with enough contact, consider launching more new products to have something to announce rather than bothering a customer when you have nothing new to offer. 

It may seem counter-intuitive to be forgotten by consumers, but it will make what messages you do send all the more valuable, and likely to be opened.

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Triple Whale - Whale Mail