David McCary, Headless Commerce Expert, joins Lucas Walker to discuss headless commerce platforms.

When should a brand consider headless commerce?

Looking toward internationalization (Or regionalization)Flexibility in how their content is displayed and deliveredPerformance needed to bring store to the next revenue levelRevenue in the 7 figured approaching 8 figure or higher

Layers of Complexity

Developers and marketers will mean different things Platforms like Shogun Frontend drastically reduce the complexity Modular platforms like custom builds or tools built for developers  can give more control but  add complexity and costs.

Benefits of Headless

Increased  flexibility of content assets, for example different images in different regionsIncrease speed like  Nomad Goods.

Tools Mentioned

Carts: Shopify, Big CommerceCMS: Prismic, ContentfulHeadless Platforms: Shogun (sponsor), Nacelle.

Sponsored by Shogun. Like David said, they make it significantly easier to get into Headless Commerce.

Mentioned in this episode:

Triple Whale - Whale Mail