1:20 Introducing Chelsea Ladd and Annie O'Donnell

4:15 Recap of negotiations so far

6:25 Are owners negotiating in good faith?

12:30 Is the universal DH here to stay? Is that a good thing?

17:30 Impact of larger rosters on minor league promotions

19:50 Does a larger playoff pool hurt the competitiveness of the regular season?

24:00 Thoughts on potentially adding advertisements to player jerseys

28:00 Who needs to budge on the 2020 season negotiations?

30:20 Are the owners really losing money to the degree they claim?

35:00 TV revenue for MLB teams

39:00 Is a shortened season valid from the perspective of championships and awards?

44:30 If players opt out of the 2020 season, does that impact how we view the legitimacy of the season?

47:40 Confidence that MLB can implement a safe season from a health standpoint

50:00 Impact of these negotiations on 2022 CBA