Is 11 years in prison for streaming football matches disproportionate, considering worse crimes get less time behind bars?

On this episode of The Straight Shootin' View our co-host SSLJA welcomes Coach JBK & Nathan 'Arsenal' on as they talk about a recent court case involving a friend of SSLJA's (Mark Gould) who was jailed for 11 years for his role as the ringleader of the group behind the illegal streaming platform Flawless, which streamed Premier League matches, including matches NOT shown due to the 3pm blackout rule.

There Is a petition for Mark Gould which you can sign here -

SSLJA, Nathan & JBK discuss the case and give their views on the 11 year sentence for Mark Gould, in comparison to the others behind Flawless who got 3 years each and they discuss the Premier League taking this unusual step of privately prosecuting individuals so aggressively and discuss some comparisons of worse crimes, that have got less than 11 years.

Our co-hosts look at a few examples of other cases and also look at why people turn to piracy in the first place, and if the Premier League are basically forcing people to illegally stream, in a cost of living crisis that people need respite from, but unfortunately have to pay exorbitant prices for.

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