Nuestro doceavo episodio. Gracias por escucharnos!

## Topicos

### Emacs vs VI

- [How Emacs beat vi in the Editor Wars](

### IE6 y Youtube

- [Former Google engineer reveals the secret YouTube plot to kill Internet Explorer 6](


- [Google resumes its attack on the URL bar, hides full addresses on Chrome 86](

### Problemas Financieros de Mozilla 

- [Web By Google](

- [Laying the foundation for Rust's future](

### Deuda Tecnica

- [Technical Debt Isn't Real](

- [The $85 Billion Cost of Bad Code](The $85 Billion Cost of Bad Code)

- [Lehman's laws of software evolution](

- [Configuration Synchronization](

- [Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost?](

- [Gradle Summit 2017 - Distributed Refactoring across GitHub - Jon Schneider](

- [Fighting Microservices Drift On Digital Platforms](

### Links Extras

- Ninguno

## Links De Nuestro Podcast

- [Youtube](

- [AnchorFM](

- [Podcast Fans, red de entusiastas del podcasting y la tecnología](

## Redes Sociales

- Miguel Enriquez [@eldermael](

- Gerardo Garcia [@geraz69](

## Errata - Episodio 11

- Ninguna

## Musica

Las Calles de la Rabia por [Patricio Thielemann aka Pokerus](

## Arte & Logo


"Source code security plugin" by Christiaan Colen is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

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