The Pipeman interviews Angel Wolf Black from Shewolf. Well, uhm, the shaman is obviously my title in in the pack because we are thinking about the band as a group, as a family, as a as a Wolf Pack. So just like wolf packs are families of wolves, this is what. What's the same for us? And in my case, my character brings the, let's say, supernatural touch in the group. So. it well the band has quite a supernatural essence on its own because we’re talking about turning into a wolf everyone in a full moon and i am the one responsible that. You have the hunter, the predator and the alpha. Each one has a quality to the group. The alpha is the foundation of the family. The hunter is to take care of the family and taken care of. They are very passionate about what they are doing. The music is symphonic metal and power metal with a presence of folk elements. When you create music, you don’t know how the final product will turn out but it ended up sounding well. You can connect on all social media platforms and stream on all major platforms. You can see their new videos on YouTube. Self-debut album drops March 18th.

Pipeman's Power of Music is a music and interview segment of The Adventures of Pipeman Radio Show (#pipemanradio) and from The King of All Festivals while on The Pipeman Radio Tour. The live show is broadcast live on W4CY Radio (, W4VET Radio, and K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( This podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (