The Pipeman interviews Jason from Bastard. Jason is the drummer for the band. Rotten blood is the title track. The music is heavily influenced by motorhead. They like to play fast and heavy. Scott is the guitar player. Both him and Scott wrote all the material for the new music. A lot of the members have all different styles of influence. Rotten in Blood drops March 11th through distortion music group. They started writing it mid-2019. They both play in other bands. During this pandemic it allowed for a lot of productivity. Bastard wilk be doing touring sometime in June or July. Playing his first big show at 13 leads to him knowing this is what he wanted to do. You can connect with the band on all social media platforms. You can stream on all major platforms.

Pipeman's Power of Music is a music and interview segment of The Adventures of Pipeman Radio Show (#pipemanradio) and from The King of All Festivals while on The Pipeman Radio Tour. The live show is broadcast live on W4CY Radio (, W4VET Radio, and K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( This podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (