Colder weather brings dryness with it. Whenever winter approaches the whole skin in the body has the tendency to dry up but often the lips suffer the most. These are the organic measures and golden ingredients for moist baby lips: 1) Check your tooth paste. Through experience I’ve seen several clients get dry lips because of the tooth paste they were using due to the SLS in it - change it. 2) Stop licking your lips. It’s a natural reaction to lick your lips when you feel that they are dry but that is actually bad for you. Your saliva has enzymes to help you digest food (Yes! Digestion starts in your mouth) and that enzyme dries out your lips even more. 3) Try not to wear mainstream non-organic lipsticks. A lot of those lipsticks have ingredients which dry your lip skin. 4) Use sugar to naturally exfoliate your lips. 5) Shea Butter is great for this type of situation. It builds a thick occlusive barrier that doesn’t let any moisture come out or cold and over exposure to cold weather to come in! It has anti - inflammatory properties too. 6) Coconut oil to get more moisture on your lips. 7) Pinks Boutique Rose Clay and Rosehip Mask. A lot of people have used it to heal dry lips and they said it worked wonderfully. Buy it now: LINK 8) Honey. There are several ways of using honey to help heal your lips. Honey with Shea Butter, medicated honey creams… Honey is one of the best natural healers and anti-inflammatory too. Nothing But The Truth.


Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth"

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