How many times have you applied so many skincare products on top of each other and when you come to put your makeup on, they start rolling off in bitty shredded pieces? Can happen towards the end of the day too, you feel like snake shedding it’s skin. That gross feeling and residue that comes off on your hand can be mistakes you have made in order of application, timing or layers reacting to each other as you have applied the wrong textures on top of each other. In this podcast, you’ll learn the correct way to apply oils without getting any rolling at the end. Nothing But The Truth.

Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth"

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