How many times exactly should I exfoliate a week? How should I do it? Are questions we receive on a daily basis and today I’m going to explain it all. The truth is: there isn’t an absolute rule to how many times you should scrub, it will vary according to your skin type but in my personal opinion never more than once/twice a week with a physical grain exfoliator. Oily: Definitely scrub at least once/twice a week. Oily skin gets an excess build up cells on your skin as they can’t fall off because of the extra sebum sticking them together. Dry: Once/Twice a week again but using a non-harsh grain. You’ll know if you’re over-exfoliating if your skin gets even drier. Sensitive skin: Only once a week and use a very gentle scrub. How should I use it though? Remove all your makeup and wash your face. Take your exfoliant on to your hands, raindrop tap it all over and use your fingers as a brush and concentrate in the grimy areas. Nothing But The Truth.

Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco-luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan-friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth"

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