Previous Episode: PWN-317 Fridays Suck

Dad has a change of heart and seems interested in moving into the future basement suite in Fey Manor. Some condolences to Archerr and Midwest Matt in the passing of their fathers, and to Big Fatty dealing with his mother's failing memory. Fey complains about all the fires at his work. Rant 1: Fey rants about the fire bells going off. Rant 2: Fey rants about general contractors and trying to keep them on track.

Dad has a change of heart and seems interested in moving into the future basement suite in Fey Manor. Some condolences to Archerr and Midwest Matt in the passing of their fathers, and to Big Fatty dealing with his mother’s failing memory. Fey complains about all the fires at his work. Rant 1: Fey rants about the fire bells going off. Rant 2: Fey rants about general contractors and trying to keep them on track.

Mentioned on this episode:

Archerr Radio:

Midwest Matt:

Big Fatty:

E-mail me at [email protected].

See me tweet about High Visibility Vest Wearers @feydriver

I Missed the Urinal [ 26:00 | 23.84 MB ] Play Now | Download

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