Barbara Ingrassia with Manage Copyright - watch till the end for Marketing Tip of The Day

Copyright Compliance & Content Security Strategist

I have a passion for raising awareness about the role of copyright law in the digital age--in our daily lives. I enjoy bringing some FUN to a heavy and vital topic.

I empower small businesses (including authors,speakers,coaches) with basic copyright skills to use as tools to achieve their goals, build their business, and protect the valuable content assets they create. Guard Your Goldmine from online content thieves and pirates who are lurking in the cyber-shadows, eager to steal your valuable intellectual property.

I guide people through the gray murky ooze that is copyright in the digital age--around the potholes--around the quicksand--that can suck the life out of their business or project.

I offer website compliance reviews (for a fee)
I enjoy offering webinars and workshops, as well as consulting with individuals.
I register copyrights with the U.S. Copyright Office

#speakers, #webinars, #contenttheft, #copyrightlaw, and #publicdomain

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