Author Geniene Dotson Gary -Book is all about Menopause on Pink Cloud 9 Vodcast™ youtube/spotify - Author Geniene Dotson Gary on Pink Cloud 9 Vodcast™ youtube/spotify

My Greatest Wealth : Family ❤️ , 2 X Published Author. My goal: Help Women 40+ Get through their “Personal Summer “ (the stages of menopause) . 📕

Read her Book here:
on Barnes & Noble too including paperback

Book Title: Mother, Please Talk to Me about Menopause. What Is Happening to Me? Conversation #1: Around the table with Questions, comments, AND concerns (Conversation #2)

Book description here:
Conversation #1: Women, designed by God to create life in the womb for nine months and then to bring forth that life. To feed that life with the milk that fills our breast during post pregnancy. But what happens when that season is over, and the birthing womb begins to shut down? Answer: Hot flashes, night sweats, personal summers, and mood swings. It's the season that almost every woman will go through. Yet, it's the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. The elephant's name is menopause. The author shares her personal story of night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings. She shares a humorous story of having one of her first hot flashes while speaking with her male supervisor. She discusses what she defines as the "craziness" of mood swings. What about "man"opause?..............

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