Ransomware takes center stage in SonicWall's Mid-Year Update to its 2021 Cyber Threat Report. Out in late July, the report outlines just how bad the ransomware situation currently is, and Brook Chelmo joins us to take a closer look. We also discuss other highlights including positive news about malware in general and non-standard ports, as well as never before seen threat detection.

Get your hands on the report here: https://www.sonicwall.com/2021-cyber-threat-report/.

In headlines, we go over a controversial newish online tool, the rebirth(?) of some popular ransomware cells, and harassment in cyber careers.

Here are the stories:

A Controversial Tool Calls Out Thousands of Hackable Websites


BlackMatter & Haron: Evil Ransomware Newborns or Rebirths


One third of cybersecurity workers have faced harassment at work or online - this initiative aims to stamp it out


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